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Healing the Dark Side

Taught by Alberto Villoldo PhD, this course will teach you how to bring the darkest shadows to the light, transform demons into allies, and help clients who are caught in tangled psychic webs.
Dates: November 29 2021 - January 10, 2022


USD 1,996.00
Tax United States (0%):
USD 0.00
Total amount:
USD 1,996.00
USD 1,996.00


* Required

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One-time payment of [1ST_AMOUNT]
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from 05/18/2024 on
Installment payment with four monthly payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Installment price is [TOTAL_AMOUNT].
Installment payment with four installments. First payment now of [1ST_AMOUNT].
Three monthly follow-up payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Installment price is [TOTAL_AMOUNT].
4 Easy payments of [AMOUNT]
[1ST_AMOUNT] is billed now. Three more payments will be billed monthly from 05/18/2024. Total amount billed is [TOTAL_AMOUNT]
[1ST_AMOUNT] is billed now. Three more payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS] will be billed monthly from 05/18/2024. Total amount billed is [TOTAL_AMOUNT].
Four monthly payments
from 05/18/2024 on
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