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Conscious Evolution March 2023 - The Four Winds

Conscious Evolution-  The Four Winds

In this eight-part practical course, you will learn how to align your thoughts to the things you desire and make them a reality.

Our thoughts create our lives. If it’s glowing health you want or a goal you wish to achieve, then you must change the way you think. Simple.

Renowned stem cell biologist and spiritual teacher, Bruce Lipton, will teach you how your thoughts affect your biology on a cellular level and how to change it for health, wealth and abundance for all.

Program Start: April 3th, 2023
USD 499.00
Tax United States (0%):
USD 0.00
Total amount:
USD 499.00
USD 499.00


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[1ST_AMOUNT] is billed now. Three more payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS] will be billed monthly from 05/18/2024. Total amount billed is [TOTAL_AMOUNT].
Four monthly payments
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